How Tires Are Made
5 Defensive Driving Strategies To Become A Safer, Smarter Driver
How we Tow HD Trucks, Motor Homes and Buses - NRC Quickswap detachable tow unit
A&T Road Service added Truck 32 in 2014. It was a brand new 2014 Kenworth with a 500 hp Cummins and 18-speed gearbox is outfitted with an NRC Quickswap detachable tow unit with a tag axle for extra capacity. This allows the truck to be a wrecker and also a transfer vehicle, so with the unit disconnected, it will tow mobile home units, trailers of all kinds and with the wrecker unit attached is capable of lifting up to 20,000 lb steer axles for heavy duty truck towing. This unit can easily to HD trucks, buses, mobile homes.
It is outfitted with tools and parts to make minor mechanical repairs, air line repair, fuel line repairs, add fuel, and can take care of any DEF needs. It is also equipped with extra high intensity lights for more effective and efficient night work, since A&T Road Service is available 24 hours a day.
North Bay Truck Center is centrally located in Fairfield CA to service all of Solano County along with much of the San Francisco/Oakland bay area and Sacramento. A&T Road Service is available by calling 800-434-1205, You can also visit our website at http://www.NorthBayTruckCenter.com
Eliminating the driver shortage
Now is the time to take action to get more young people into the industry at a time when people in the country are feeling good about trucking.
I am, however, a bit hopeful with the reintroduction of the DRIVE-Safe Act which would allow truck drivers under the age of 21 to drive across state lines once they have completed both safety training and an apprenticeship program. To be clear, these are people who already have their commercial driver' license (CDL) and are already likely driving intrastate.
Click here for the rest of the story.
Source: https://www.fleetowner.com/industry-perspectives/ideaxchange/article/21164809/eliminating-the-driver-shortage
Stop. Trains Can't.
For more information, please visit: https://www.trafficsafetymarketing.gov/get-materials/rail-grade-crossing/stop-trains-cant.
Who Must Stop at Scales?
CVC Section 2813 outlines who must stop at weigh stations and inspection stations:
2813. Every driver of a commercial vehicle shall stop and submit the vehicle to an inspection of the size, weight, equipment, and smoke emissions of the vehicle at any location where members of the California Highway Patrol are conducting tests and inspections of commercial vehicles and when signs are displayed requiring the stop. Every driver who fails or refuses to stop and submit the vehicle to an inspection when signs are displayed requiring that stop is guilty of a misdemeanor.
CVC Section 260 defines "commercial vehicle" (bolding added):
260. (a) A "commercial vehicle" is a motor vehicle of a type required to be registered under this code used or maintained for the transportation of persons for hire, compensation, or profit or designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of property.
(b) Passenger vehicles which are not used for the transportation of persons for hire, compensation, or profit and housecars are not commercial vehicles. ...
(c) Any vanpool vehicle is not a commercial vehicle.
(d) ...
CVC Section 410 defines a "motor truck" (bolding added):
410. A "motor truck" or "motortruck" is a motor vehicle designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of property.
CVC Section 471 defines "pickup truck" (bolding added):
471. A "pickup truck" is a motor truck with a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating of less than 11,500 pounds, an unladen weight of less than 8,001 pounds, and which is equipped with an open box-type bed not exceeding 9 feet in length. "Pickup truck" does not include a motor vehicle otherwise meeting the above definition, that is equipped with a bed-mounted storage compartment unit commonly called a "utility body."
Learn more at: https://dot.ca.gov/programs/traffic-operations/cvef/weigh-stations
Under The Hood - Tire Tread and Pressure
Check the tread and pressure to get the best performance from your tires
New Crash Tests Show Modest Speed Increases Can Have Deadly Consequences - IIHS News
Drivers want to save time, and local transportation agencies want to improve traffic flow, but at what cost? With posted speed limits increasing on roadways around the country, a vehicle’s ability to protect drivers in crashes is in doubt.
Small speed increases can have huge effects on crash outcomes, as shown in new crash tests by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and Humanetics. The safety organizations conducted crashes at three different impact speeds (40, 50 and 56 mph). They found the slightly higher speeds were enough to increase the driver's risk of severe injury or death.
Good Headlights Mean Fewer Crashes - IIHS News
Good IIHS headlight ratings linked to lower crash rates
The headlight ratings program developed by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety is reducing dangerous nighttime crashes in the real world, a recent study shows.
Nighttime crash rates per mile are nearly 20 percent lower for vehicles with headlights that earn a good rating in the IIHS evaluation, compared with those with poor-rated headlights, the study found. For vehicles with acceptable or marginal headlights, crash rates are 15 percent and 10 percent lower than for those with poor ratings.
Why do Cars Get Impounded?
Auctioning of abandoned vehicle is often organized to assist in recovery of cash used during towing and the time the auto was stored in the yard. This is usually done if the owner of the vehicle is not found, the owner doesn’t want the car anymore or if the vehicle has overstayed in the yard.
Before retrieving your impounded vehicle, you first need to understand why it was impounded in the first place. This will allow you plan accordingly.
Reasons cars get impounded
i. Driving with no license
ii. Possession of a stolen car
iii. Car was involved in an accident
iv. The car isn’t insured
v. Over speeding
vi. Your car was found abandoned on the road
vii. Driving under suspension
viii. Outstanding fines for parking
ix. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
x. If your car got involved in assaulting someone
xi. If the car is not correctly parked
xii. Your registration is expired
xiii. If you are violating traffic rules
xiv. Driving vehicles that are not roadworthy
xv. If your car is exposing the public to potential health hazards or any other risks

Has the vehicle been impounded illegally?
In case your car gets impounded illegally, contact a criminal defense lawyer to help you fight for your lawful rights. Most people with impounded cars often make claims of ownership and get collection letters. Once at the correct impounding station, you’ll be needed to prove your identity and ownership of the car.Sometimes, you might not be able to retrieve your car by yourself due to unavoidable circumstances. If you’d wish to send someone on your behalf, let them bring with them a letter of authorization signed by you, a copy of your driving license and an insurance certificate to prove your identity.
The cost of retrieving your vehicle
Getting your car back for free is almost impossible; there are fees that must be paid before you get your car. The police or private agencies charge you storage and towing fees. All your outstanding charges and fees must be cleared. Abandoning your vehicle because you don’t want to pay charges is not advisable.It might result in your car being auctioned or completely destroyed. Afterward, you won’t have any claim for that car. The impounding agencies would benefit from auctioning your car. Even so, the municipal or companies you owe debts for years would still want you to pay them.
What You Might Not Know About Using and Maintaining Your Spare Tire
Source: https://www.fifetowing.com/blog/why-cars-get-impounded/